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The Fake Laugh!  I can’t stand it, but do you think it’s necessary to climb up the corporate ladder?one minute chocolate chip cookie 028

For the past 13 years that I’ve been working in Corporate America, I’ve encountered folks who make small talk with one another and laugh for no apparent reason, and the laugh is so fake.  one minute chocolate chip cookie 011

To begin with, how the hell do you fake a laugh?  Just the other day, my co-worker and I were practicing the fake laugh on one another, and sadly, or shall I say thankfully, neither one of us was successful.  one minute chocolate chip cookie 012

So when my manager rolls around to check up on me and makes a comment about so and so, I sometimes just smile because I can’t do a fake laugh.  I’ve tried, the sound just doesn’t come out, and if it does, it sounds so FAKE!one minute chocolate chip cookie 020

And it’s not just me, just last week I had all my nieces attempt the fake laugh and none of them were successful, except my 10 year old niece, Neha, who is quite the social minute chocolate chip cookie 024

This brings me to question, are people who are more social and outgoing the ones who automatically possess a fake laugh?  And are these the folks who climb up the corporate ladder?  one minute chocolate chip cookie 025

Maybe it’s okay to just be nice, genuine, smart, and possess a good work ethic?  Or do we need more to make it big?  Do we need to kiss ass?one minute chocolate chip cookie 032

Well, on that note, here is a fake Chocolate Chip Cookie, hey, it only takes a minute, but it tastes like the real thing.  This is the perfect dessert when you want something quick, indulgent, and in a smaller portion.  one minute chocolate chip cookie 033

NUTRITION: Aside from some protein, there really is no nutrition in this recipe.  I used a tablespoon of whole wheat pastry flour instead of white flour which adds a little bit of fiber and protein.  Also, egg yolk adds some protein to this cookie.  Lastly, I used 1 tbsp of bittersweet chocolate chips which contain antioxidants.


  • Calories: 190 cals
  • Fat: 11 g
  • Saturated Fat: 4 g
  • Carbs: 22 g
  • Protein: 3 g
  • Fiber: 1 g

INGREDIENTS (makes 2 servings; slightly modified from My Kitchen Antics):

  • Unsalted Butter – 1 tbsp (melted)
  • White Sugar – 1 tbsp
  • Brown Sugar – 1/2 tbsp
  • Pure Vanilla Extract – 1/2 tsp
  • Salt – just a small pinch
  • Egg Yolk – 1
  • All-Purpose White Flour – 2 tbsp
  • Whole Wheat Pastry Flour – 1 tbsp
  • Ghirardelli Bittersweet Chocolate Chips – 1 tbsp

1. Add a tablespoon of butter to a minute chocolate chip cookie 085
2. Melt for 40 seconds… less or more as minute chocolate chip cookie 086
3. Then add the white and brown sugars, vanilla extract, and salt.  Mix minute chocolate chip cookie 087
4. Add the egg yolk and mix minute chocolate chip cookie 089
5. At this time add the flour.  Mix, but DO NOT OVERMIX!one minute chocolate chip cookie 090
6. Add the chocolate chips.  one minute chocolate chip cookie 091
7. Fold minute chocolate chip cookie 092
8. Microwave for 50 seconds, or depending on your microwave strength, start with 40 and work your way up if need be.  Serve immediately!  DELICIOUS!one minute chocolate chip cookie 094

TELL ME: Do you possess a fake laugh?  Do you believe you need a fake laugh to climb up the corporate ladder?

Hi, I'm Nisha!

I'm a foodie who is passionate about healthy-ish living and mindful eating. You'll find a bit of everything here. I use mostly organic real ingredients and incorporate seasonal produce in my cooking. I believe food is medicine. Join me on this soul-searching journey as I share my love for good food, and I hope I inspire you to eat better somewhere along the way.

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  1. How in the world is this two servings? 😀 It looks so small in its little cup… bet it is delicious though!! <3

  2. Holly smokes, I have seen this over the internet before but never with the step by step pictures. I am making this so so soon, this is genius. What a great way to satisfy the sweet tooth without over doing it 🙂

    1. Thanks Miryam. It's fattening, but it's a quick way to have dessert without having any leftovers. 🙂

  3. Hate fake but there's nothing that I hate about this easy mug cake. I am gonna pass the recipe to my boy, a dessertaholic..would love this.
    Btw hate fake people, makes me nauseous.

    1. @Asha – you and I both, I hate fake people. The older I get I realize it is best to surround yourself with genuine, nice people who wish you only the best. Life is too short for fakes!

  4. This is such a hilarious post from the start to the finish. I never get the fake laughs either, the mug cookie recipe looks good!

  5. This post is hilarious, I can relate to this a lot because, I'm not good at generating a fake laugh. I can smile at a whim though. This chocolate chip cookie in a cup looks so delectable, can't wait to try it. JC

    1. @JC – I know you are NOT the queen of a fake laugh, hence why you are my BFF – 100% originality, I expect nothing less from you. I know your smiles, I do the same, can't laugh though. I'll make you this cookie next time you visit. Love U!

  6. I fake laugh all the time. It's like a nervous tic for me. When I'm uncomfortable, I laugh. (Is that weird?! I guess it is.) I've made mug cakes before, but never a cookie! I'm going to have to give this a try. 🙂

    1. @Kierten – Lol… love your honesty! It's not weird, many people do things when they are nervous. Not sure what I do, probably don't talk. Lol. You'll like this.

  7. Ack this is too easy, it's dangerous! I think everyone sees through fake laughs anyway so better not to do it!

    1. It's easy. It's dangerous. It's a one night thing. So enjoy it. I sound like a moron if I attempt to do it.

  8. Fake laugh/smiles come in very handy in my extended family. I don't use them at work but around some family members it's a necessity! I don't have a fake laugh as such but a smile which when used properly looks really good but all it says shut the hell up! Specially for the those old aunties whose life depends on the latest piece of gossip! On another note- cookie in a cup in a minute! You have just made my Monday! For some reason I could not post this on Monday!

    1. @Sejal – awww.. I think we all have family members we don't like and just have to fake it. I'm not even a good faker, I just I.G.N.O.R.E! Aunties are the biggest losers man… it starts with…
      where are you going to college?
      where are you to work?
      have you found a job?
      when are you getting married?
      when are you having kids?
      and then what? life's over?

      Many of these women sit at home and have absolutely nothing better to do with their time, and hence they feed on gossip.